What we do
Posted on May 20, 2020
Gospel Outreaches
The core of the missions of JITW crusades is outreaches. At least once in every year there is a major outreach to a chosen community. These outreaches combine door to door preaching, teaching services, dawn broadcasts and open air crusades to evangelise the community. Each outreach lasts a minimum of seven (7) days, normally starting from Sunday to Saturday.
The criteria for choosing these communities are not always the same. Nevertheless prayer remains a constant means of consulting with the Holy Spirit on choosing a location. In the bargain, we focus on small communities with struggling churches. It is the practice, recently, for executives to go into retreat in November, every year, to decide the target area for the next outreach.
Since the beginning of this ministry thousands of people in Accra have been reached, through physical contact, with the Gospel. The average attendance to the open air crusades is 350 with a one time attendance of 900 (approx). Most of the converts from these outreach programs continue to undergo discipleship programs to mature in Christianity. Some of these converts have become volunteers who annually offer their assistance during the outreaches.
It is our desire to expand our outreaches beyond Accra whilst increasing the frequency per year. Currently we have so many requests for partnership to organise outreaches into certain communities but due to limitations on our finances we are able to do only one outreach every year. The ministry is exploring options that can help the financial demand of the outreaches in order to break free of this limitation. On this note we seek the support and partnership of all who have a passion for soul winning.
Contact us via email, phone, whatsapp or facebook if you want to partner this ministry.
Discipleship and Training programs
The World becomes a better place when we reach out to help each other.
We value the importance of disciple making and so in all we do our focus is to raise men and women who will fill the gap for generations to come. Our outreaches are interlaced with teaching and training sessions to help volunteers appreciate the act of evangelism. One will never be out of line to call our outreaches practical fields for our students because in addition these outreaches serve as guided practicals for many. This is the reason we enforce the residential approach to our outreaches. This way we guarantee that volunteers can have uninterrupted attention.
This notwithstanding, our training programs extend beyond our outreaches. For the knowledge acquired in the past years we are excellently positioned to offer evangelism training to up and coming groups who have the passion for soul winning.
Again we appreciate the fact that soul winning begins with preaching but it ends with disciple making. Thus converts of each outreach must commit to a discipleship program in order to be considered true converts of the outreach
Social Intervention and Community Relief Projects
This is an area that can be categorized more as a desire than a regular activity of the ministry. This is because since the inception of this ministry we have been able to do only two projects that fall into this category. In 2015 the ministry partnered Rukiza Okera, a philanthropist and business owner in Accra, to organise a Christmas party for under privileged children, particularly street children. The event benefited some three hundred children who spent the day eating, drinking and playing.
Likewise in 2018, we undertook a street lightening project to extend street lights from the main street to the Kokrobite beach. We could not overlook the concerns of the many residents that feared attacks on the 800m stretch of foot path which is the regular commuting route of these residents. With the assistance of a partner from the Electricity company of Ghana we installed a total of 4 street lights on the stretch. The joy it brought to the residents was indescribable.
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